‘Most New Zealanders recognize the importance of paying tax and meet their tax obligations. Some, however, do not. Tax avoidance reduces the integrity of the tax system and erodes social capital. It is also fundamentally unfair, because it means that compliant...
Stunning changes to tax code are underway in the US and are already resetting the global stage for capital investment. Pursuant to the House bill passed on 16 November, on 2 December Senate approved its version of tax reform en route to enactment of the Tax...
Highly anticipated tax reform under the Trump administration has been kick-started. On November 16 a bill was passed by the House containing many changes to both individual and corporate taxation. Changes include: Increase in the standard deduction from $6,350 to...
The tax extenders were passed in the Protecting Americans From Tax Hikes Act (Act) early in 2016, and consisted of permanent, five-year, and two-year extenders. These provisions are estimated to cost U.S. $629 billion over ten years, and came as a welcome relief after...
‘No-one can tell you what will happen in the future. But some people can really give you vision about what might happen’ (David Lifson CPA, introducing former House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Mr Dave Camp at the 2015 AICPA National Tax Conference). Mr Camp...