We get regular inquiries from New Zealand citizens requesting assistance in order to obtain a United States Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN). A TIN can be required for several different reasons including submission of Form W-8BEN Certificate of Foreign Status of...
Some of my corporate clients recently reported to me their varying experiences with phoning IRS in the States to request an Employer Identification Number (EIN) for W-8BEN purposes. If you are having trouble, please do feel free to contact me. It seems there is some...
If you are a non-resident alien and received US-sourced income in 2010 from which 30% was withheld, read on. If you are able to claim an exemption from the 30% withholding through the treaty, (and not all income can be exempted using the treaty), you have two...
Fresh from a US contact is news that IRS is stepping up its focus on payments to foreign vendors made by US Accounts Payable departments. This dovetails with the article I’ve just written for AMCHAM on form W-8BEN posted yesterday. Foreign vendors =...
We receive many queries from New Zealand companies about completing Form W-8BEN. The if what when where and why my initial reply is that there is more to this than meets the eye. If you need help to complete this form please contact us.