In the wake of the changes to the way that foreign pensions (including 401-k’s and IRAs) are taxed in New Zealand the Inland Revenue Department (IRD) has recently refined its position with respect to foreign tax credit availability. The way that pension income...
New Zealand, unlike Australia, the United States and the United Kingdom, does not have a full-blown capital gains tax (CGT) regime. Increasing pressure is being put on New Zealand’s Prime Minister and leader of the country’s centre-right government, John...
In a much-anticipated move, the Policy Advice Division of Inland Revenue and the New Zealand Treasury released an Officials’ issues paper last week on the Taxation of Foreign Superannuation. We welcome the release of the paper, which signals some fundamental...
According to the Chief Advisor – International Audit – IRD, the top ten errors associated with international tax compliance with respect to the taxation of NZ tax residents are as follows: Error 1: NZ tax residents are taxable on income from NZ...